Complete this questionnaire to specify the training needs for yourself or your staff. Please, kindly share your requirements with us by completing it and we will come back to you very soon to plan with you a training session!

Note: This questionnaire has no contractual value, it is for reference purposes only and does not obligate the partner in any way.

EN - Besoins formation partenaires
Preferred language for communications
Have you ever participated to a PRIM’X training (digital or in person)?
You need training for:
Tell us the format that would fit you best:
Tell us your location preferences to organize an in person training session:
Your training needs are related to
Tell us if you want training to focus on specific solutions from our portfolio:
What are your date preferences to organize a training session (digital or in person):
Would you be available to come to our office in Paris in June 2025 to participate to an official 2 days training session with other partners: